Guidelines for Authors.

1. Scope of Transactions of Navigation

Transactions of Navigation delivers maritime research information to the society members. The authors are advised to read the guidelines before submission. The scope of the Transactions is below.

・Positioning (Celestial, Coastal, Radar, Satellite and Others)

・Navigational Aids System

・Nautical Instruments

・Marine Traffic Engineering (Traffic Capacity, Traffic Control)

・Collision Avoidance

・Navigational Schedule Planning and Management

・Weather Routine

・Maritime Laws and Conventions

・Ship’s Motion (Maneuvering, Sea-keeping, Anchoring)

・Naval Architecture

・Ship’s Maintenance

・Marine Casualty


・Pollution Protection

・Logistics and Cargo Handling

・Meteorology and Oceanography

・Marine Human-Machine Engineering

・Seaman’s Accident and Sanitation

・Fishery and Fishing Boat

・Aeronautical and Satellite Engineering

・Fishery and Fishing Boat

・Education, Discipline and Educational Aids

2. Type of Submission

There are three types of submission for the Transactions of Navigation:
Original Article,
Review Article, and

All Papers should satisfy the requirements of Section 3.

3. Requirements of Paper

Papers published in the Transactions of Navigation should have the contents that contribute to the social sciences, scientific research or technology in navigation, and should satisfy the Originality and Possibility. In the following cases, the author may still submit the paper as a new paper.

・ Paper had been previously published in the meetings or symposia sponsored or co-sponsored by the  JIN.

・ Paper expands the Letter published in the Transactions.

・ Papers should be non-problematic with respect to copyright laws.

4. Qualifications of the Authors

Members and non-members of the JIN are welcome. The publishing fee for the manuscript is the same for both of members and non-members.

5. Copyright

Copyright of the JIN of all Papers specifies on rules 10220, 20520, 20550, 20560.

6. Manuscript Preparation

6.1 General Remarks

Transactions is a public forum for communicating to the members and the worldwide maritime society. The results of new research and development contribute to the social sciences, scientific research, and technology in the maritime sciences. The authors should keep in mind the following.

・ The results are understandable to the readers who are the specialists in the
maritime field as well as the non-specialists.

・ Express clearly, and omitting the subjects irrelevant to the theme.

・ Check elaborately for any spelling errors or typographical errors.

・ The contents of the paper should be presented in a logical order.

・ The paper should be considered carefully, and the universality should be

・ Summarize the current status of study in the related field, and define the
position of the content.

・ Express clearly the originality and possibility including creative and useful
aspects of the content. The theory, experimental methods or the results should
differ from the existing theories, methods or results.

6.2 Language Limitations

Manuscripts must be written in English.

6.3 Paper Limitations

Original and Review Articles should be 6 pages. However, author may use up to the maximum of 12 pages. The author is allowed to use 6 additional pages if necessary. Letter should be 2 pages.

6.4 Manuscript Format

The manuscript format for all papers which will be submitted to the Transactions is designated in this chapter.

6.4.1 Manuscript Preparation

All manuscripts should be prepared using MS-Word Template for the Transactions provided by the JIN. The MS-Word Template is available from the following link.

Sample of Manuscript for the Transactions of Navigation

Please ensure the described below when preparing the manuscript using the JIN MS-Word Template.

・ Figures and photographs should be electronically included in the manuscript.

・ The MS-Word Template should not be modified.

6.4.2 Structure

The Manuscript should consist of the following contents in the order as specified below.

(1) Title/subtitle

(2) Name of the author

(3) Author affiliation

(4) Abstract (Original and Review article: 150 to 200 words, Letter: 100 words.)

(5) Keywords

(6) Contact information (Corresponding Author)

(7) Text (arranges Objective, Background, Method, Results, Conclusion)

(8) Acknowledgment (Only in case of necessity.)

(9) Reference

(10) Author’s biography (This may be omitted in case of Letter.)

6.4.3 Keywords

Supply five keywords that represent the theme of the article. Keywords should be selected with specific meanings, use nouns, and compound words should be limited to commonly used terms.

6.4.4 Main Text

The main text should be organized in the following order.

Chapter: 1. HEADING

Section: 1.1 Sub-heading

6.4.5 References

References should include not only the author’s own papers but also the works of paper and article written by others. All references should be numbered, and listed at the end of the main text. Paper and article under submission should not be quoted.

Reference should be stated in the following manner. Name of the author(s): “Title”, Name of Publication, Volume, Number, Page (Year and Month of Publication) Include all the author’s names in full.

6.4.6 Figures, Photographs, and Tables

Captions for figures and photographs should be placed directly below the figures or photographs, and Table captions should be placed above the table. All legend in figures, photographs, and tables must be in English. Figures, photographs and tables should be serially numbered. Don’t use the remaining space when figures, photographs, and Tables don’t fill the full column width.

6.4.7 Author’s Biography

Use the last six lines of the text for the author’s biography. In principle, following the name of the author, write the short introduction. The author omits the author’s biography in the case of Letter.

7. Submission and Review Process

7.1 Submission

Papers are to be submitted by email ( The author should submit a manuscript in both of MS-word and PDF format. The author submits an Application Form for Submission of Manuscripts for the Transactions for the initial submission. The application form is available from the following link:

Application Form for Submission of Manuscripts for the Transactions of Navigation

7.2 Review Process

(1) The papers submitted are confirmed the registration information by the JIN Editorial Section, and the corresponding author will receive an acknowledgment receipt with a paper ID within 3 days.

(2) The review process has two steps. The first step evaluates the Maritime English, and the second step evaluates the Academia.

(3) The submitted papers will be reviewed by two (only first step evaluation) or three or more reviewers. The editor in chief evaluates the papers based on the comments of the reviewers. Acceptance or rejection categories below.

・ Accept: Publish as it is.

・ Accept after minor revision: Publish with minor revision.

・ Re-review: Refer back to the authors, and re-review after major revision.

・ Reject: Not to be published.

(4) Papers submitted to the Transactions must not be submitted to other journals.

8. Procedures Following Acceptance

8.1 Submission of Final Manuscript

Authors upon receiving the notification of acceptance must register the necessary information and submit the final manuscript.

(1) Manuscript data files (MS-Word file)

(2) Example for article (PDF file)

(3) Billing address (Excel file)

9. Publication Fee

After papers have been accepted for publication in the Transactions, the author will be requested to pay the publishing fees. The publishing fees depend on page numbers, less than 6 pages is 20,000 JPY, and in case of more than 7 pages, an additional fee is 5,000 JPY per one page.

10. Contact us

Please contact the JIN’s office ( via email when you have queries about this journal.

When authors submit the “Application Form for Submission of Manuscripts for the Transactions” and “manuscript” by email to JIN’s office, please follow the naming instructions below. It helps us to handle submitted manuscripts.


Title: Transactions of Navigation, the date of submission ( (ex. Transactions of Navigation 2015.06.01)

Filename of the application form

AF_NAME_Date of Submission.docx (ex. AF_Taro_20150601.docx)

AF_NAME_Date of Submission.pdf (ex. AF_Taro_20150601.pdf)

Filename of manuscript

NAME_Date of Submission.docx (ex. Taro_20150601.docx)

NAME_Date of Submission.pdf (ex. Taro_20150601.pdf)
